Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bisphenol A - or BHA

Yesterday, my wife and I went to one of Miri’s Hypermarket for window-shopping on Baby bottles.
Recently, I have very alerted with some bottle that has Bisphenol A or *BHA which is a hormone-disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment.

A permanent indicator number with a triangle recycle imprint can be seen on baby bottles and it was advised that, no. 5 plastic bottles are safer and non-toxic. The bottles that come with BHA free are merely expensive around RM20-50 per bottle compare with ordinary one that is around RM10 for 3 pcs.
Some parents were nagging on this BHA free bottle, which is expensive and they claimed all this while, their children are seem fine and healthy in spite of they children had consumed milk using the ordinary bottle.
For me, parent should aware and concerned with their infant and need to scarify some Ringgits more, to invest on their infant health. What’s more, the scientists have proven the danger of the BHA expose.

BHA it is also harmful not only to a baby, but to everyone!, in which using their plastic water’s container such as mineral water; that why the mineral water bottle is advised to be used once.
It become worse when repetition usage of same bottle that exposed to sun light, which resulted melting the plastic layer, lead to chemical reactions affected to the water—this had happened to a lady and she is now suffered with breast cancer. *A low-dose BPA exposure with such effects as: permanent changes to genital tract; increase prostate weight; decline in testosterone; breast cells predisposed to cancer; prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer; and hyperactivity.

*Source :

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. Beneficent and merciful. Master of the Day Judgment. Thee do we be serve and Thee do we beseech for help. Keep us on the right path. The part of those whom Thou hast Bestowed favors. Not (the path) part of those whom Thy wrath is brought down(Yahudi), no of those who go astray(Nasrani). -Al-Fatihah-

A post comment from somebody(Dr. Nasoha) to Tun Dr. Mahadir's Blog regarding Allah issue for my reading.


Allah is the name of the Creator that creates the entire universe .Allah is also the Creator that creates mankind. Allah has many other names but He like to be call by the name Allah. Allah has no son and He is alone and supreme and has no association in whatever forms with His creation. Allah has created men as the best of all His creation and along with the creation of men Allah has given them His orders. When men obeyed the orders of Allah then men will certainly becomes the best of all creation. When men disobeyed the orders of Allah, men will become the worst of all creations. In order to deliver the orders of Allah to mankind and to show how the orders should be carried out, Allah has sent throughout the centuries to mankind many Prophets. The Prophets are human being that has been selected by Allah to deliver the orders of Allah to mankind.
Allah has selected Isa or Jesus as Prophet. He is sent by Allah to the Jews people whom Allah previously had also sent Musa or Moses as Prophet to them. Allah has sent many Prophets to the Jews but the Jews have killed many of them. The Jews had also tried to kill Prophet Isa or Jesus but they are unsuccessful. Allah has taken Prophet Isa or Jesus to the sky and he will only descend to the earth when the time comes. The one who has been crucified by the Jews was not Prophet Isa or Jesus but Judas the estranged followers of Prophet Isa, whose face Allah have changed to look likes Prophet Isa or Jesus. However those that believe in Allah and have accepted Isa or Jesus as Prophets continue to practice the orders of Allah as shown by Prophet Isa or Jesus even though Prophet Isa or Jesus at that time was no longer with them. As times goes on the practice of the orders of Allah by the Muslim as shown by Prophet Isa or Jesus start to decline. Those who have weak iman or faith in Allah but they love Prophet Isa or Jesus so much, they start to uplift the status of Prophet Isa or Jesus, from a normal human being to the status, as a son of God.
Allah has no son and Allah is one and Allah has no associate or partner. Prophet Isa or Jesus is the son of Mariam the pious lady whom Allah has chosen as a mean to give birth to Prophet Isa or Jesus. Allah has created Adam from clay and Hawa is being created from the ribs of Adam. Allah can make Mariam the pious lady to give birth to Prophet Isa or Jesus without Mariam need to have sexual intercourse with any men. Prophet Isa or Jesus has no father and he has only a mother. Allah is the Creator and Allah is able to create Prophet Isa or Jesus even without a mother and a father. The present day so call Christians used to be Muslims in the time of Prophet Isa or Jesus and who love and regard Isa or Jesus as only Prophets as all Muslims nowadays do. However when their faith in Allah weakened they start to associate Allah with other Gods and they start to believe Isa or Jesus not as a Prophet but as the son of God.
Allah has no son, daughter or a wife. Allah is one and supreme and He has no associate or partner in His power. If the Christians in Malaysia want to change the word God to Allah, they must change their belief .From believing that God has a son named Jesus who has to be crucified for the atonement of sins done by men to the belief that Allah has no son and Jesus is only a Prophet and not the son of Allah. If the Christians in Malaysia want to change the word God to Allah and still believing that Allah has a son named Isa or Jesus then the Christians in Malaysia with clear intention is trying to disgrace Allah and it is the incumbent duty of all Muslims in the whole world to stop them from doing that. The Christians in Malaysia must also belief that Allah is not only having no son named Isa or Jesus but also after Prophet Isa or Jesus, Allah has sent the last Prophet named Muhammad s.a.w. The Christians in Malaysia must also accept Muhammad s.a.w as the last Prophet of Allah if they want to change the word God with Allah.
If the Christians in Malaysia refused to do this then they should stick to the use of the word God instead of Allah. Why the Christians from other parts of the world are using the word God instead of Allah. Are the Christians in Malaysia different from the Christians from other parts of the world? What is the agenda of the Christians in Malaysia in trying to use the word Allah instead of God? The Christians in Malaysia should consult their Pope in the Vatican City before trying to use the word Allah instead of God. The use of the word Allah or God in Christianity is the decision between the Pope and the World supreme councils of Muslims scholars and not the decision of one civil judge of the Malaysian court. The action of the Christians in Malaysia to change the word God to Allah is political and subversive and the action is not sincere and not religious. The decision of the Malaysian court is not correct and must be reviewed. The court has acted beyond its ability and capability.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Singapore’s meritocracy

"Three women were brought to the Singapore General Hospital, each in the same
condition and needing a blood transfusion. The first, a Southeast Asian(Malay) was given the transfusion but died a few hours later. The second, a South Asian(Indian) was also given a transfusion but died a few days later. The third, an East Asian(Chinese), was given a transfusion and survived. That is the X factor in development."

Lee Kwan Yew used his 1989 National Day Rally address to defend the Government's programme of encouraging Chinese immigration from Hong Kong on the basis that the birth rate of Singapore's Chinese is lower than that of the Indians and Malays. The numerical preponderance of the Chinese must be maintained, said Lee, "or there will be a shift in the economy, both the economic performance and the political backdrop which makes that economic performance possible." (11) Lee enumerated several reasons why maintaining the Chinese proportion of the population at current levels was necessary for economic prosperity - including the "culture" and "nature" of the Chinese. Without a hint of irony, Lee also took the opportunity to assure Malays that they need not fear Hong Kong immigrants taking their jobs because the immigrants will all be high income earners.

Source:, 08/14/1996

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Singapore. Stop the state sanctioned racial discrimination now.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore according to it's Constitution, which happens to be the supreme law of the land, is supposed to be a democracy which outlaws any form of racial discrimination. Yet Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's strongman who decides everything in that tiny island state blatantly discriminates against the Malays and Indians in the island, Singapore citizens, who are supposed to enjoy equal rights. And here we are not talking about racial discrimination being carried on under wraps! No, racial discrimination is official policy. The Housing Development Board is a public housing agency which rents out (since it is leasehold under 100 year leases) tiny apartments to almost all Singaporeans. Almost 90% of Singaporeans have no choice but to live in these cubicles in the land scarce island. Since it caters for almost the entire Singapore population, and as it is a government agency, you would expect such a body not to racially discriminate against the minority races of Malays and Indians. No you are wrong. Not entirely different from apartheid laws of the the earlier racist South Africa, Malays and Indians are not allowed to live in the places of their choice in these government owned apartments. They are required to live in certain selected areas which are chosen for them or from a list of locations they can choose from. This is blatant racial discrimination in violation of the Constitution. Yet not a single Malay leader or Indian leader has ever spoken against it. In an island engulfed in fear of Lee Kuan Yew and what he will do to you, the minority races have been subdued into silence and quiet acceptance. In recent years because of the low rates of fertility among all Singaporeans, Lee Kuan Yew has begun to bring in immigrants to populate the island. But there is no fairness in the immigration policy. Totally unskilled and uneducated Chinese who don't speak a word of English are allowed in increased numbers simply because they happen to be Chinese and because the more skilled and educated Chinese would rather prefer to emigrate to the United States. In fact it was recently reported a Chinese language teacher was given permanent residence in 2 months!Not so with Indians from India. Very few are allowed into Singapore and that too after they have undergone extensive social and personality tests to ensure they are likely to be the compliant sort, which suits Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew does not want Singapore to become an Indian city. So the Indians have to be stopped. As for Malays, not one is allowed in. Not a single one. Lee Kuan Yew does not want too many Malays in Singapore. As for the existing Malay population, he is already displeased because Malays are having more children that the Chinese. He is trying various ways to stop their increase. In the article "The Singapore Solution" which appears in the January edition of National Geographic Magazine, he publicly says that "it is a good thing the nation has welcomed so many Chinese immigrants". Mark the words "Chinese immigrants", not just "immigrants". If any leader of any other country had said this, tomorrow there would have been a million protesters on the streets demanding his resignation. But not in Singapore where the entire nation has been terrified into silence and acceptance. Jufrie Mahmood, the committee member in the Singapore Democratic Party is a Malay leader and an old friend of mine. Mind you there is nothing wrong in being a Malay leader just as in the US there is nothing wrong in being a defender of African Americans. This does not in any way dilute your standing as a Singaporean or American leader. Gandhi Ambalam is an Indian leader also in the Singapore Democratic Party. I mention these 2 men because at least they have proven themselves to have the courage to stand up to Lee Kuan Yew the Singaporean bully. They are respected men with conviction and ideal. It is men such as these who should stand up and speak for the Malays and the Indians. It is not a politically unwise thing to do because Malay rights and Indian rights are also at the same time Singaporean rights. I want to impress upon these men, the need to act, and act now. If they are afraid to do the right thing by publicy speaking up now and taking the relevant action, then who else should the people turn to; since almost everyone else has been numbed into a state of fear induced hibernation, through fear of Lee Kuan Yew. You can be as afraid as you want, but you are losing your country, your culture and your civilization in the process, beside the obvious fact that such racial discrimination is simply wrong. Period.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Singapore. Stop the state sanctioned racial discrimination now, Part 2
Ladies and Gentlemen,

In my last post I wrote what I thought about Singapore's official state policy of racially discriminating against Malays and Indians who are also full citizens of Singapore just as the Chinese, in housing, jobs and immigration. All that talk by Singapore's strongman Lee Kuan Yew that the island is a meritocracy and that it treats all persons equally under law is simply so much hogwash. It is not meritocracy that allows an illiterate Chinese man, with no English whatsoever, from Schizuan Province, Communist China, to get permanent residence in Singapore within 2 weeks to work as a waiter in Ah Kong Cantonese Flying Noodle House in Chinatown while a highly educated Malay from Malaysia is refused residence. This is not meritocracy. This is just plain dishonesty. By my pointing out this injustice, I am not being a racist. I am merely defending the rights of the Malay and Indian citizens of Singapore, full citizens with equal rights with the Chinese. And my complaint is not against any Singaporean native Chinese. They are my friends and they will always be, just as the Singapore native Malay and the Singapore native Indian or the Singapore native anyone else. Please keep that in mind.My complaint is against this government which gives preferential treatment to the Chinese race in Singapore over and above the equally deserving Malay or Indian. My complaint is against the deliberate racial preference given to the Chinese race from China to populate Singapore over and above other races in Singapore. And in this call, no honest self respecting Singaporean native Chinese can fault my argument. Enough damage is already done so far by this government tilting the racial balance of Singapore in the Chinese favor by their bringing in hundreds and thousands of Chinese from Communist China. This has hurt the interests of Singapore citizen Malay and Indian people. I therefore ask native born Singapore citizens, Chinese Malay and Indian and others, to join together and peacefully protest against this injustice. Demand that this unjust racial discrimination in immigration be stopped forthwith. Ask that the Singapore government reexamine the qualifications of each immigrant from china and repatriate immediately those who were given unfair preferential treatment to settle in Singapore. Similarly reexamine all cases of overseas Indians, overseas Malays and people from other countries who were refused admission and that they be allowed permanent residence in meritorious cases. And stop the racial segregation of Malays and Indians in Singapore Housing and Development Board by allowing anyone to reside in any part of Singapore of his choice. Chinese Malays and Indians should immediately organize a peaceful protest to demand this. Remember it is your right under the Constitution. Remember only use peaceful methods, no violence please. I was listening to the band Bob Marley and the Whalers concert on TV. He got it right in his song "Stand up, stand up, stand up for your rights. Don't give up the fight". Stand up for your rights my friends. Never give up your rights. Do it now. The true character of Singapore is being destroyed before your very eyes. The future generations of Singapore would hold you liable for standing back and doing nothing, while Singapore is turned into a satellite overseas Communist Chinese city, peopled by Mandarin speaking, democracy lacking Chinese coolies.

Source :

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Five Forces Analysis

Five Forces Analysis helps the marketer to contrast a competitive environment. It has similarities with other tools for environmental audit, such as PEST analysis, but tends to focus on the single, stand alone, business or SBU (Strategic Business Unit) rather than a single product or range of products. For example, Dell would analyse the market for Business Computers i.e. one of its SBUs.
Five forces analsysis looks at five key areas namely the threat of entry, the power of buyers, the power of suppliers, the threat of substitutes, and competitive rivalry.

The threat of entry.
Economies of scale e.g. the benefits associated with bulk purchasing.
The high or low cost of entry e.g. how much will it cost for the latest technology?
Ease of access to distribution channels e.g. Do our competitors have the distribution channels sewn up?
Cost advantages not related to the size of the company e.g. personal contacts or knowledge that larger companies do not own or learning curve effects.
Will competitors retaliate?
Government action e.g. will new laws be introduced that will weaken our competitive position?
How important is differentiation? e.g. The Champagne brand cannot be copied. This desensitises the influence of the environment.

The power of buyers.
This is high where there a few, large players in a market e.g. the large grocery chains.
If there are a large number of undifferentiated, small suppliers e.g. small farming businesses supplying the large grocery chains.
The cost of switching between suppliers is low e.g. from one fleet supplier of trucks to another.

The power of suppliers.
The power of suppliers tends to be a reversal of the power of buyers.
Where the switching costs are high e.g. Switching from one software supplier to another.
Power is high where the brand is powerful e.g. Cadillac, Pizza Hut, Microsoft.
There is a possibility of the supplier integrating forward e.g. Brewers buying bars.
Customers are fragmented (not in clusters) so that they have little bargaining power e.g. Gas/Petrol stations in remote places.

The threat of substitutes
Where there is product-for-product substitution e.g. email for fax Where there is substitution of need e.g. better toothpaste reduces the need for dentists.
Where there is generic substitution (competing for the currency in your pocket) e.g. Video suppliers compete with travel companies.
We could always do without e.g. cigarettes.

Competitive Rivalry
This is most likely to be high where entry is likely; there is the threat of substitute products, and suppliers and buyers in the market attempt to control. This is why it is always seen in the center of the diagram.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Citizens deficit? or what?

Today’s Yahoo online has mentioned that Singaporean is not producing enough babies that justifies the main cause of the lack of manpower of the republic. Singaporean has around 5 millions including 1 million foreign workers.

For many years the manpower supply has been outsourced from north Johor, Malaysia which most of them were employed in an industrial sectors. In addition, most of raw materials were brought and supplied from Malaysia and the currency exchange, which Singapore is relatively better and the international seaport, are the republic’s concrete factors as a magnet that attracts foreign workers.

Yahoo online said that “Ministers and community leaders said allaying the fears of Singaporeans about foreign talent and bringing in new citizens is not something that can happen overnight. It is a long—term initiative and work-in-progress. In the final analysis, they said what is important is to assure Singaporeans that the immigration policy is for the benefit of the people, with Singaporeans always coming first.”

In contrast, Dr. Michael D. Barr who is an Australian historian specialising in the modern political history of Singapore and Malaysia quotes that “Lee Kuan Yew used his 1989 National Day Rally address to defend the Government's programme of encouraging Chinese immigration from Hong Kong on the basis that the birth rate of Singapore's Chinese is lower than that of the Indians and Malays. Lee also took the opportunity to assure Malays that they need not fear Hong Kong immigrants taking their jobs because the immigrants will all be high income earners.

The question is, what is the basis of Singaporean’s fear? fear of foreign talent or fear of racial imbalance?. But if Singaporean always comes first, why import Hong Kong immigrants?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Facebook : Internet Social Networking

I believe that some of you has your own Internet’s social networking to keep in touch with old and new friends. Amid all of it, to opt Facebook is the most popular and being used widely all over the world by individuals, companies and etc.
Individual that keen to publish their up-to-date story, what they eat, where they go, preference, emotions and etc. being updated and can be reached by PC, laptop, mobile phone by their cliques.

It was created by Mark Zuckerberg who creates Facebook and turns himself into billionaire, which Facebook makes most of its money from advertising.
Microsoft has taken 1.6% or $240 million Facebook’s stake from an online bidding which Facebook supports a software for Microsoft’s Xbox games.

Zuckerberg who is a 24-year old Jewish boy, created Facebook limited user to Harvard’s students and then give wide-ranging access throughout public users. To expand the number of users, he has sold part of his stake in the company in exchange for server space. In addition, Facebook market value is estimated around $15 billion.

Before Facebook, in 2002, another social networking that used to be so famous called Friendster has 75 million users worldwide, while the current Facebook has 350 million active users worldwide.

In Malaysia, some companies including Government and Private sector has blocked the Facebook from their IT access to discourage employees from wasting time using the service instead of doing their work. The productivity at work is dismal because they spend most of the day reading it because of addicted to it.
Despite this, Malaysian’s cellular telecommunication service provider, Celcom, has offer Facebook link throughout mobile phone SMS with an affordable rate of RM1 for a week, which subscriber can indulge themselves with a pouring SMS into their inbox.

Here are some surefire signs that you are addicted*:
  1. You are late for meetings because you are on Facebook.

  2. You think about it when you are offline.

  3. Your friends and family comment on your excessive internet use.

  4. You check your accounts from your Blackberry.

  5. You get stressed when a Facebook “friend” doesn’t add you.
    * based on