Thursday, January 21, 2010

Bisphenol A - or BHA

Yesterday, my wife and I went to one of Miri’s Hypermarket for window-shopping on Baby bottles.
Recently, I have very alerted with some bottle that has Bisphenol A or *BHA which is a hormone-disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment.

A permanent indicator number with a triangle recycle imprint can be seen on baby bottles and it was advised that, no. 5 plastic bottles are safer and non-toxic. The bottles that come with BHA free are merely expensive around RM20-50 per bottle compare with ordinary one that is around RM10 for 3 pcs.
Some parents were nagging on this BHA free bottle, which is expensive and they claimed all this while, their children are seem fine and healthy in spite of they children had consumed milk using the ordinary bottle.
For me, parent should aware and concerned with their infant and need to scarify some Ringgits more, to invest on their infant health. What’s more, the scientists have proven the danger of the BHA expose.

BHA it is also harmful not only to a baby, but to everyone!, in which using their plastic water’s container such as mineral water; that why the mineral water bottle is advised to be used once.
It become worse when repetition usage of same bottle that exposed to sun light, which resulted melting the plastic layer, lead to chemical reactions affected to the water—this had happened to a lady and she is now suffered with breast cancer. *A low-dose BPA exposure with such effects as: permanent changes to genital tract; increase prostate weight; decline in testosterone; breast cells predisposed to cancer; prostate cells more sensitive to hormones and cancer; and hyperactivity.

*Source :

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