Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A post comment from somebody(Dr. Nasoha) to Tun Dr. Mahadir's Blog regarding Allah issue for my reading.


Allah is the name of the Creator that creates the entire universe .Allah is also the Creator that creates mankind. Allah has many other names but He like to be call by the name Allah. Allah has no son and He is alone and supreme and has no association in whatever forms with His creation. Allah has created men as the best of all His creation and along with the creation of men Allah has given them His orders. When men obeyed the orders of Allah then men will certainly becomes the best of all creation. When men disobeyed the orders of Allah, men will become the worst of all creations. In order to deliver the orders of Allah to mankind and to show how the orders should be carried out, Allah has sent throughout the centuries to mankind many Prophets. The Prophets are human being that has been selected by Allah to deliver the orders of Allah to mankind.
Allah has selected Isa or Jesus as Prophet. He is sent by Allah to the Jews people whom Allah previously had also sent Musa or Moses as Prophet to them. Allah has sent many Prophets to the Jews but the Jews have killed many of them. The Jews had also tried to kill Prophet Isa or Jesus but they are unsuccessful. Allah has taken Prophet Isa or Jesus to the sky and he will only descend to the earth when the time comes. The one who has been crucified by the Jews was not Prophet Isa or Jesus but Judas the estranged followers of Prophet Isa, whose face Allah have changed to look likes Prophet Isa or Jesus. However those that believe in Allah and have accepted Isa or Jesus as Prophets continue to practice the orders of Allah as shown by Prophet Isa or Jesus even though Prophet Isa or Jesus at that time was no longer with them. As times goes on the practice of the orders of Allah by the Muslim as shown by Prophet Isa or Jesus start to decline. Those who have weak iman or faith in Allah but they love Prophet Isa or Jesus so much, they start to uplift the status of Prophet Isa or Jesus, from a normal human being to the status, as a son of God.
Allah has no son and Allah is one and Allah has no associate or partner. Prophet Isa or Jesus is the son of Mariam the pious lady whom Allah has chosen as a mean to give birth to Prophet Isa or Jesus. Allah has created Adam from clay and Hawa is being created from the ribs of Adam. Allah can make Mariam the pious lady to give birth to Prophet Isa or Jesus without Mariam need to have sexual intercourse with any men. Prophet Isa or Jesus has no father and he has only a mother. Allah is the Creator and Allah is able to create Prophet Isa or Jesus even without a mother and a father. The present day so call Christians used to be Muslims in the time of Prophet Isa or Jesus and who love and regard Isa or Jesus as only Prophets as all Muslims nowadays do. However when their faith in Allah weakened they start to associate Allah with other Gods and they start to believe Isa or Jesus not as a Prophet but as the son of God.
Allah has no son, daughter or a wife. Allah is one and supreme and He has no associate or partner in His power. If the Christians in Malaysia want to change the word God to Allah, they must change their belief .From believing that God has a son named Jesus who has to be crucified for the atonement of sins done by men to the belief that Allah has no son and Jesus is only a Prophet and not the son of Allah. If the Christians in Malaysia want to change the word God to Allah and still believing that Allah has a son named Isa or Jesus then the Christians in Malaysia with clear intention is trying to disgrace Allah and it is the incumbent duty of all Muslims in the whole world to stop them from doing that. The Christians in Malaysia must also belief that Allah is not only having no son named Isa or Jesus but also after Prophet Isa or Jesus, Allah has sent the last Prophet named Muhammad s.a.w. The Christians in Malaysia must also accept Muhammad s.a.w as the last Prophet of Allah if they want to change the word God with Allah.
If the Christians in Malaysia refused to do this then they should stick to the use of the word God instead of Allah. Why the Christians from other parts of the world are using the word God instead of Allah. Are the Christians in Malaysia different from the Christians from other parts of the world? What is the agenda of the Christians in Malaysia in trying to use the word Allah instead of God? The Christians in Malaysia should consult their Pope in the Vatican City before trying to use the word Allah instead of God. The use of the word Allah or God in Christianity is the decision between the Pope and the World supreme councils of Muslims scholars and not the decision of one civil judge of the Malaysian court. The action of the Christians in Malaysia to change the word God to Allah is political and subversive and the action is not sincere and not religious. The decision of the Malaysian court is not correct and must be reviewed. The court has acted beyond its ability and capability.

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