Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Singapore’s meritocracy

"Three women were brought to the Singapore General Hospital, each in the same
condition and needing a blood transfusion. The first, a Southeast Asian(Malay) was given the transfusion but died a few hours later. The second, a South Asian(Indian) was also given a transfusion but died a few days later. The third, an East Asian(Chinese), was given a transfusion and survived. That is the X factor in development."

Lee Kwan Yew used his 1989 National Day Rally address to defend the Government's programme of encouraging Chinese immigration from Hong Kong on the basis that the birth rate of Singapore's Chinese is lower than that of the Indians and Malays. The numerical preponderance of the Chinese must be maintained, said Lee, "or there will be a shift in the economy, both the economic performance and the political backdrop which makes that economic performance possible." (11) Lee enumerated several reasons why maintaining the Chinese proportion of the population at current levels was necessary for economic prosperity - including the "culture" and "nature" of the Chinese. Without a hint of irony, Lee also took the opportunity to assure Malays that they need not fear Hong Kong immigrants taking their jobs because the immigrants will all be high income earners.

Source:, 08/14/1996

Saturday, December 26, 2009
Singapore. Stop the state sanctioned racial discrimination now.
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Singapore according to it's Constitution, which happens to be the supreme law of the land, is supposed to be a democracy which outlaws any form of racial discrimination. Yet Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's strongman who decides everything in that tiny island state blatantly discriminates against the Malays and Indians in the island, Singapore citizens, who are supposed to enjoy equal rights. And here we are not talking about racial discrimination being carried on under wraps! No, racial discrimination is official policy. The Housing Development Board is a public housing agency which rents out (since it is leasehold under 100 year leases) tiny apartments to almost all Singaporeans. Almost 90% of Singaporeans have no choice but to live in these cubicles in the land scarce island. Since it caters for almost the entire Singapore population, and as it is a government agency, you would expect such a body not to racially discriminate against the minority races of Malays and Indians. No you are wrong. Not entirely different from apartheid laws of the the earlier racist South Africa, Malays and Indians are not allowed to live in the places of their choice in these government owned apartments. They are required to live in certain selected areas which are chosen for them or from a list of locations they can choose from. This is blatant racial discrimination in violation of the Constitution. Yet not a single Malay leader or Indian leader has ever spoken against it. In an island engulfed in fear of Lee Kuan Yew and what he will do to you, the minority races have been subdued into silence and quiet acceptance. In recent years because of the low rates of fertility among all Singaporeans, Lee Kuan Yew has begun to bring in immigrants to populate the island. But there is no fairness in the immigration policy. Totally unskilled and uneducated Chinese who don't speak a word of English are allowed in increased numbers simply because they happen to be Chinese and because the more skilled and educated Chinese would rather prefer to emigrate to the United States. In fact it was recently reported a Chinese language teacher was given permanent residence in 2 months!Not so with Indians from India. Very few are allowed into Singapore and that too after they have undergone extensive social and personality tests to ensure they are likely to be the compliant sort, which suits Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew does not want Singapore to become an Indian city. So the Indians have to be stopped. As for Malays, not one is allowed in. Not a single one. Lee Kuan Yew does not want too many Malays in Singapore. As for the existing Malay population, he is already displeased because Malays are having more children that the Chinese. He is trying various ways to stop their increase. In the article "The Singapore Solution" which appears in the January edition of National Geographic Magazine, he publicly says that "it is a good thing the nation has welcomed so many Chinese immigrants". Mark the words "Chinese immigrants", not just "immigrants". If any leader of any other country had said this, tomorrow there would have been a million protesters on the streets demanding his resignation. But not in Singapore where the entire nation has been terrified into silence and acceptance. Jufrie Mahmood, the committee member in the Singapore Democratic Party is a Malay leader and an old friend of mine. Mind you there is nothing wrong in being a Malay leader just as in the US there is nothing wrong in being a defender of African Americans. This does not in any way dilute your standing as a Singaporean or American leader. Gandhi Ambalam is an Indian leader also in the Singapore Democratic Party. I mention these 2 men because at least they have proven themselves to have the courage to stand up to Lee Kuan Yew the Singaporean bully. They are respected men with conviction and ideal. It is men such as these who should stand up and speak for the Malays and the Indians. It is not a politically unwise thing to do because Malay rights and Indian rights are also at the same time Singaporean rights. I want to impress upon these men, the need to act, and act now. If they are afraid to do the right thing by publicy speaking up now and taking the relevant action, then who else should the people turn to; since almost everyone else has been numbed into a state of fear induced hibernation, through fear of Lee Kuan Yew. You can be as afraid as you want, but you are losing your country, your culture and your civilization in the process, beside the obvious fact that such racial discrimination is simply wrong. Period.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Singapore. Stop the state sanctioned racial discrimination now, Part 2
Ladies and Gentlemen,

In my last post I wrote what I thought about Singapore's official state policy of racially discriminating against Malays and Indians who are also full citizens of Singapore just as the Chinese, in housing, jobs and immigration. All that talk by Singapore's strongman Lee Kuan Yew that the island is a meritocracy and that it treats all persons equally under law is simply so much hogwash. It is not meritocracy that allows an illiterate Chinese man, with no English whatsoever, from Schizuan Province, Communist China, to get permanent residence in Singapore within 2 weeks to work as a waiter in Ah Kong Cantonese Flying Noodle House in Chinatown while a highly educated Malay from Malaysia is refused residence. This is not meritocracy. This is just plain dishonesty. By my pointing out this injustice, I am not being a racist. I am merely defending the rights of the Malay and Indian citizens of Singapore, full citizens with equal rights with the Chinese. And my complaint is not against any Singaporean native Chinese. They are my friends and they will always be, just as the Singapore native Malay and the Singapore native Indian or the Singapore native anyone else. Please keep that in mind.My complaint is against this government which gives preferential treatment to the Chinese race in Singapore over and above the equally deserving Malay or Indian. My complaint is against the deliberate racial preference given to the Chinese race from China to populate Singapore over and above other races in Singapore. And in this call, no honest self respecting Singaporean native Chinese can fault my argument. Enough damage is already done so far by this government tilting the racial balance of Singapore in the Chinese favor by their bringing in hundreds and thousands of Chinese from Communist China. This has hurt the interests of Singapore citizen Malay and Indian people. I therefore ask native born Singapore citizens, Chinese Malay and Indian and others, to join together and peacefully protest against this injustice. Demand that this unjust racial discrimination in immigration be stopped forthwith. Ask that the Singapore government reexamine the qualifications of each immigrant from china and repatriate immediately those who were given unfair preferential treatment to settle in Singapore. Similarly reexamine all cases of overseas Indians, overseas Malays and people from other countries who were refused admission and that they be allowed permanent residence in meritorious cases. And stop the racial segregation of Malays and Indians in Singapore Housing and Development Board by allowing anyone to reside in any part of Singapore of his choice. Chinese Malays and Indians should immediately organize a peaceful protest to demand this. Remember it is your right under the Constitution. Remember only use peaceful methods, no violence please. I was listening to the band Bob Marley and the Whalers concert on TV. He got it right in his song "Stand up, stand up, stand up for your rights. Don't give up the fight". Stand up for your rights my friends. Never give up your rights. Do it now. The true character of Singapore is being destroyed before your very eyes. The future generations of Singapore would hold you liable for standing back and doing nothing, while Singapore is turned into a satellite overseas Communist Chinese city, peopled by Mandarin speaking, democracy lacking Chinese coolies.

Source :

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